
You Need to Know 6 Type of Weight Loss Diet

Health Diet for Lose Weight
One way to lose weight is with a healthy diet plan. Healthy Diet is a diet that is without risk and has been recommended by the who are competent. If the earlier diet is mostly done by those who are overweight and obesity (with health problems), then the diet is now mostly done for reasons of appearance (aesthetic) especially the female.

If you're looking to know what a healthy diet is right for weight loss, then you can see the types of following a healthy diet. Choose the type of diet to fast lose weight that you will not disrupt the health risks.

Diet Atkins

Atkins Diet
Atkins Diet (Image: momjunction.com)

The Atkins Diet is a type of diet that focuses on eating foods low in carbohydrates. So the diet is often also referred to as low-carbohydrate diets. The Atkins Diet was first observed in 1972 by health doctor named Robert Atkins.

This diet is suitable for those who are experiencing a noticeable overweight or obese. Because the menu for this diet is to expand the menu low in carbohydrates, protein, and fat. As its name suggests low-carb diet, this diet severely restricts carbohydrate intake menu.

Why? Because the carbohydrate source is considered as one of the causes easily a person to gain weight. In addition, eating a high carbohydrate equivalent to increasing the number of calories in the body.

Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarian Diet

As its name suggests, a vegetarian diet is the kind of diet that recommended to eating the kind of food that comes from vegetables only. You should not eat the consumption of animal sources. No meat, fruit, or otherwise except vegetables. Thus making body met only vegetable sources and particular nutritional intake.

There are several types of vegetarian diets. As Lacto Ovo Vegetarian, Lacto Vegetarian Diet, Diet Pescovegetarian, and Living Food Diet.

Research shows that those who adopt a vegetarian diet will get lose weight faster. Another advantage is the guy who runs a vegetarian diet is healthier and live longer.

Obsessive Corbuzier’s Diet (OCD)

OCD Diet
Dedy Corbuzier OCD Diet Founder
This diet was introduced by a mentalist Indonesia, Deddy Corbuzier. OCD diet does not emphasize on the menu food should be consumed. But rather on a combination of the appetite suppressant, and fasting at a predetermined time.

How do I run this OCD diet? The first time you are required to fast for sixteen hours with the time span for a meal is eight hours. If you start eating at twelve o'clock, then you are allowed to consume any food and drink without any restrictions until eight o'clock at night. And after that, you are not allowed to consume any food until it snaps back at twelve noon. But there is still allowed to drink only mineral water.

The next day, Diet OCD followed by fasting for eighteen hours with a range of meal time is six hours. In the span of six hours, you are allowed to consume as much as three times.
Subsequently, in the next day, you have to fast for twenty hours with a range of meal time is four hours. And ends with OCD diet fasting with a span of twenty-four hours.

Note, this diet is for those who want to shape the body and is not recommended for those who have problems with obesity (obesity).

Food Combining Diet


Combining Food Diet
Food Combining Diet (Image: Wordpress)
Food Combining Diet is a type of diet that focuses on combining foods to be consumed. Besides this type of diet meal set of rules that are tailored to the needs of the body whether it's morning, noon and night. This refers to the body's natural cycle. Food combining diet is also considering also the effectiveness of the absorption of nutrients and phytochemicals in food.

Setting a balanced diet in every menu will give good results for health, especially the health of the body's digestive. In the food combining diet is not mixing carbohydrates and protein intake of the element aggravate the animal for digestion. Foods high in starch and high-protein foods are difficult to digest when the numbers will be the same.

The Zone Diet

The Zone Diet
The Zone Diet

The Zone Diet is one type of a healthy diet that relies on the ratio of the three sources of nutrition. That is, carbohydrates should be consumed as much as forty percent, protein (30%) and fat (30%). Resulting in a ratio of carbohydrate: protein: fat = 4: 3: 3.

However, the source of carbohydrates consumed should not be arbitrary. You are only allowed the consumption of low-carbohydrate diet. As for fat and protein, are still allowed to consume any kind as long as it balanced. Some menus are recommended in the diet that is the source of nutrition of olive oil, nuts, and avocado.

Raw Food Diet

Raw Food Diet (Image: Vegan-ra-diet.com)

Back to nature. That may be the spirit who want to be taken in the Raw Food Diet. In this diet, you should consume only raw food types. Not allowed to consume foods with processed. Not fried, not steamed, not boiled, and baked goods.

Based on the research, people who run the Raw Food Diet can lose weight fast and keep the healthy immune system. Because by eating raw food types, it is believed the nutrients in food are not lost and still enough.

So some kind of diet is mostly done by people in different countries. You can choose the type of diet over according to your ability. Additionally adjusted to your body's response whether fast or slow in the diet. So you can choose, the type of diet that is easy for you to run without incurring risk. (*)